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As Oxford MediStress continues to develop the possible applications of its Leukocyte Coping Capacity Stress test, we welcome Caitlen Carr Knox as Clinical Research Scientist.


November 15, 2013

Animals can't tell you how stressed they are, but we can. New innovation improving the quality of life of domestic pets and others...

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According to a report by the BBC, it is estimated that one-quarter of all companion animals suffer from stress. Animals are unable to tell you they are stressed or how stressed they are. We can determine the effect of handling and transport regimes on animals which will in turn minimise their stress and improve their quality of life.

Our test represents a unique new tool for looking after your pet’s welfare – ask your vet today about it.

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November 15, 2013

Our system represents an ideal tool to quantitatively measure, monitor and manage psychological and physical stress related healt...

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There are over 250 mediators released in response to stress. Measuring a single mediator can be useful, but it does not tell the whole story. The ideal stress indicator would be the sum of these mediators. Our test monitors the multi-faceted effects of stress using the body’s cells as bio-indicators. The body’s leukocytes (white cells) circulate throughout the body picking up and responding to all the signals of stress. The coping capacity test can pick up on these subtle changes, generating readings in just ten minutes.

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November 15, 2013

Invest in the most important asset your company has: the people who work for you...

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Stress in the workplace is an increasingly significant problem and is a major cause of occupational ill-health. This can result in sickness, absence, high turnover of staff & poor performance in your organisation. The Health & Safety Executive estimates that over ten million working days were lost to stress, depression and anxiety in 2011-2012. Stress undermines our ability to perform at work, affects creativity, the ability to solve problems, decision making relationships at work, makes people more irritable and can lead to physical and mental illness. Stressed individuals are not easy to identify but now a simple blood test can identify executives and key individuals within the organisation who may be at risk. Early identification can lead to early problem resolution, saving significant time and resources.

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November 15, 2013

This test allows the user to accurately monitor the body's response to training regimes...

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Achieving optimal performance at the right time in high level competition is difficult. Often excellent athletes or group of athletes can fail to perform at big events. A number of researchers in the field have shown that optimising stress levels is key to achieving long-term success: some stress is necessary to get ‘up’ for the event but too much stress can be detrimental. Over-training can thus be damaging and counter-productive. An athlete’s desire to compete can lead to over-training or short recovery times which can cause repetitive injury over the years. That’s where our test comes in: it allows continual management of an athlete’s stress levels so that training can be targeted and optimised.

Allowing continual management of athletes stress levels training loads can be adjusted to individual athletes resulting in a longer, sustained, targeted period of training.

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November 15, 2013

Allowing continual management of athletes’ stress levels, training loads can be adjusted to individual athletes resulting in a longer, sustained, targeted period of training...

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Achieving optimal performance at the right time in high level competition is difficult. Often excellent athletes or group of athletes can fail to perform at big events. A number of researchers in the field have shown that optimising stress levels is key to achieving long-term success: some stress is necessary to get ‘up’ for the event but too much stress can be detrimental. Over-training can thus be damaging and counter-productive. An athlete’s desire to compete can lead to over-training or short recovery times which can cause repetitive injury over the years. That’s where our test comes in: it allows continual management of an athlete’s stress levels so that training can be targeted and optimised.

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